A further 139 businesses impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak in North Lincolnshire have been supported with an additional round of public funding – with more still available.
Discretionary hand-outs have helped protect an additional 1,400 jobs, as cash awards were used to plug gaps left by previous schemes.
A total of £35 million had been made available, with a further £1.75 million now in play.
The funding – aimed at small to medium-sized businesses – was available in grants of £25,000, £10,000 or any amount up to £10,000.
Cllr Rob Waltham, leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “The funding from the government has enabled us to provide a significant cash boost to many businesses across North Lincolnshire which have been presented with challenges due to the Covid-19 outbreak. We have been able to support businesses with millions of pounds worth of funding to allow them to continue running .
“This has protected the local economy through the last few weeks and months and will support growth and renewal going forward.
“Many businesses not eligible to apply for the original funding back in March could with this discretionary grant – that, I am certain, has been a light at the end of the tunnel for many companies and many people whose jobs have been protected.
“In North Lincolnshire we have a strong business community and we are committed to working with them to help them move forward, protect jobs and the local economy.”
Restaurateur Michelle Catalano from Scunthorpe’s San Pietro, had an enormous thank you for her successful bid, having been hit with a double whammy as both dining and the adjoining hotel addition were hit. The £1.1 million addition was barely five years old when the pandemic hit, with function venue too.
She said: “Since the lockdown started we have been working hard and fighting every day to keep the business going, however with a business on the scale of San Pietro it has been a mounting battle as we have significant property expenses and fixed costs that don’t stop just because the doors close.
“We are so grateful that North Lincolnshire council has recognised the local economic benefit San Pietro provides, something for which we are very proud. This critical financial support will enable us to secure our 28 jobs and safeguard San Pietro on our long road to recovery.
“We are so looking forward to opening our doors once more and greeting our customers old and new, sharing in their lives and special occasions once again.”
Further businesses can now apply for a share of the remaining £360,000 as the council has re-opened the application process. Applications are open until Friday, July 24.
The payments are means-tested and businesses will be assessed on the impact they have faced, ongoing fixed overheads, economic value to the region, sector, number of jobs being safeguarded and financial viability prior to Covid-19.
Supporting evidence must be provided along with the application. For further information visit https://investinnorthlincolnshire.com/coronavirus.